The Curtis Mayflower

You Could Be The Mountain

Photos | The Curtis Mayflower + The Silks @ Beatnik’s

(via: This past Saturday — January 25th, 2014 if you’re reading this at some point in the distant future — the world officially received one hell of an album.

After a year of build up, The Curtis Mayflower finally let go of “Everything Beautiful is Under Attack” and watched as it spread across a packed room at Beatnik’s in Worcester. I realize “you can’t judge a book by it’s cover,” but if you can judge an album by the way it’s received by an audience, then I do believe the Worcester-based band has a winner on it’s hands. Each song they played off of their new album sounded just as good live as it does streaming through the speakers.

That makes complete sense when you’re made privy to the fact that this collection of proven, talent-ridden musicians pulled this album together in what amounts to about 24 hours.  On top of that, it’s been said that each track was nailed on the first take. Is that the truth? Who knows. And honestly, who cares. That’s exactly the kind of musical mythology this world could use a lot more of. I’ll chose to be a believer on this one.

And you should believe me when I say you should catch them at one of their upcoming shows. I’d suggest The Sinclair on March 15th with Paddy Saul and Coyote Kolb. (!!!)

Of course, in order for a night of rock and roll to be truly solid, you have to have more than one act that makes you nod your head and pump your fist in the air. And — if you’re lucky — maybe you get a band that makes you want to go buy a Firebird and drive around with the T-tops off while pumping your fist in the air. That band, ladies and gentle dudes is The Silks. After hearing great things about the Providence-based trio from a few trusted sources (What is it about PVD, anyway? Damn…) I am happy to confirm that the good word on these guys is certainly spot on. Having recently released an album of their own (check out “The Last American Band,”) these boys were the perfect warm up for that freezing-cold winter night.

see all the photos at